Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Meet the president who lives on a ramshackle farm and give away the most of his pay. No suit, ties , dress neatly ironed smooth, also without a shiny expensive leather shoes. The incividual were much less served as leader of the country will cause behavior and actions will be closely watched. The objective is whether as a guide by supporters or opponents threats. But the President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica came up with eccentric side ran out of the ordinary other president accustomed to luxury living. Mujica appointed to that office in 2009 is not only the source inspiration for the people but the world is so admired.

77 years old man willingly chose to live on a modest farm house owned by his wife, Lucia Topolansky in Montevido, capital of Uruguay, although the goverment provides comfortable presidential palace for him. In fact, he does not have offspring who donated 90 percent of his salary to the poor and small entrepreneurs. Surrounded his corn crop and cultivated flowers themseleves. These were only two policemen in charge of security in addition to pet dog name Manuela. The water supply is obtained from wells in the backyard while hanging clothes on the suspension became a familiar sight in his backyard. Mujica salary about 40,000 but only 2,500 are left for him.
 A part, the declared assets of only about RM675,000 includes houses and farmland, tractors and a bad car, Volkswagen Beetle 1967 issue.

Life of the 40th president of Uruguays history based on her journey when he was young. He joined the guerrilla group Tupamaros guerillas shadowed Cuba in 1960 for 10 years. Men who comsumed a vegetarian diet has been imprisoned for 16 years before being released in 1986. He said life in prison gave him so much maturity because physicallybad places or detention as well as often separated by other prisoners.

In fact, he claimed the president to have shot at least six times, but fortunately he was still longer. I" i called the president of the poorest in the world , but i do not feel poor. The poor are those who strive to meet the needs of a luxuries life and ultimately always greedy for treasure" said Mujica. In addtion, he is free to choose whatever is desirable.

"Im happy to live like this until the end of life". According to the declaration of property, a former guerilla leader has no bank accounts and other assets. However, he has small flower farm placed in the name of his wife. President of Uruguay is different tha the vice president, Danilo Astori declaring his wealth of US$ 250,000 ( RM&611,124.81). This includes apparent simplicity, he is not free from controversy.

He supports the proposed law allowing abortion unborn baby until the age of eight months, but the law has not been implemented. The son of poor farmers also support the arguement fro implementing the use of cannabis. The proposal aims to reduce criminal activity and profits from drug traficking activities, as well as driving heavy drugs users turn to marijuana.

"The use of marijuana is not a major issue but the network continued drug transaction are pull factors that need to be adressed", he said. Although the hard stance that led to the belief of Majica decreased but did not worry because the country's laws do not allow new elections until 2014. Moreover, he almost 80 years cause he would not defend the president. However , he is eligible to receive the state pension and the same as the former president before, during retirement can be spent without thinkng about finance. In fact, the president can continue to do his favorite activity is planting flowers and gardening decoration.


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